Subject : English
Std : XII Arts , Science and Commerce ( Maharashtra State Board)
Duration : 70 minutes only ( 5 minutes extra to read questions )
Marks : 35
Time management (Follow your own Time management because you know yourself better !❤️)
Q.1. 30 minutes
Q2. 30 minutes
Q3. 03 minutes
Q4. 07 minutes
Q1. Writing Skills (12 marks)
1. Film Review
Write a review on any educational film which you've recently watched. You can take help of the following points :
Film Review points
1. Story/Theme
2. Producer , Director , etc.
3. Special features of direction
4. Characters : Conflict/Climax
5. Music/Dance/Songs, Videography, etc.
6. Your opinion/Message
2. Blog
Using proper format , write a blog on the topic "Expectations kill creativity"
3. Appeal
As part of your NCC unit drive , you need to make an appeal to people in your locality to donate blood. Write an appeal in a proper format on "Donate blood , Save lives"
Q2. Novel Section (16 marks)
Fill in the blanks.
a. Murasaaki Shikibu wrote Tale the year......
b. The word "Novel" means.....
c. Joseph Conrad wrote The.......of......
d. The very first Indian novel in english is.......
A2. Pick the odd one out :
1. Anita Desai , Nayantara Sehgal, Kazuo Ishigura , R K Narayan
2. Place , period, plot , Climate
3. Miss Marple, Sherlock Holmes , Hercule Poirot , George Eliot
4. Realistic, Complex , Autobiographical, Picaresque
B. Write answers to the following questions in about 50 words.
1. Describe in brief how Fernman presented his subject creatively.
2. Write a brief character sketch of Miss Joseph.
C. Write answers to the following questions in about 50 words.
1. Write briefly and in your own words the plot of the extract of " Around the world in 80 days"
2. Passpartout was a faithful servant and friend to Phileas Fogg. Justify by stating a few supporting details from extract.
D. Write answers to the following questions in about 50 words.
1. Dr. Watson , the narrator is one of the major characters in the novel " The Sign of Four". Illustrate.
2. " You will , I am sure , excuse me." State who the speaker of this dialogue is , his/her tone , style and significance of the dialogue.
Q3. Poetic creativity ( 02 marks)
Check 1st and third 3rd of the poem given below and write 2nd and 4th in such a way that it rhymes that 1st rhymes with 2nd and 3rd with 4th.
Beauty is in the eyes of beholder,
Beauty of heart is all that matters,
Q4. Unseen Grammar ( 05 marks )
1. The ignited mind of the youth is more powerful than any other resources on earth. ( Change is into superlative degree of comparison)
2. The boy was nervous and was a typical representative of the youth of India. ( Make it a complex sentence)
3. Why waste time in reading trash ? ( Make it assertive sentence)
4. She could not face the whole horror. ( Rewrite the sentence using "be able to")
5. She has tasted success twice. (Identify the tense )