Friday, October 6, 2023

Summary and Mind mapping ( Q.2. B and C )

Note : These are just samples to help students understand the format of writing skills well. Students are encouraged to practise all writing skills keeping in mind the format given.

1. Summary Writing ( Compulsory question )
A. Title 
B. Only one para ( summary needs to be written only in 1 paragraph )
C. Use of linking words to connect sentences.
D. Don't add your opinions , ideas , comments
C. Needs to be written only in 100 to 120 words

Summary - 03 marks 
Bifurcation/division of marks👇
Covering all important points -
01 mark
Language and vocabulary - 01 mark
 Grammar - 01 mark

2. Mind mapping ( compulsory question )
A. Appropriate design - use the same design given in the question paper and only when it's not given,  draw your own design.
B. Create central/main idea (from here the mind map begins) then add sub branches.
C.Only key words or short phrases to be written and not complete sentences.

Mind mapping - 03 marks
Bifurcation 👇
Logical flow of idea , thoughts and concepts - 2 marks
Presentation - 01 mark


English Grammar Test(5)

Miscellaneous   Grammar ( Seen and Unseen mixed ) Note : Answer key is also provided towards the end of the worksheet. ( Kindly first solve ...