Friday, October 6, 2023

Email/Report Writing/Framing Interview questions

Note : These are just samples to help students understand the format of writing skills well. Students are encouraged to practise all writing skills keeping in mind the format given.

1. Email writing 
( Email is in option with Report writing and Framing Interview questions )
A. Template ( a design to be followed )
B. Salutation 
C. First paragraph ( Why writing the mail ? Reason ? )
D. Second paragraph ( explain in detail the reason of writing )
E. Third paragraph - Request/suggest/advise ( keeping in mind the question asked and write accordingly )
F. Fourth paragraph - conclude by saying thank you.
G. Sign off ( Yours faithfully/sincerely , name/email id , etc.)
Email Writing - 04 marks
Content- 02 marks
Use of proper format -01 mark
Overall presentation - 01 mark
Sample 👇
2. Report writing - 04 marks
Report writing (written after witnessing something/visiting some place/after some program , etc.)
Points to remember :
A. Title ( topic on which you are writing report for example "Teachers" Day celebration in...... college")
B. Date and reporter's name ( Date of such reports will always be after the event..for example teachers' day is celebrated on 5th September so the date of writing report on it will be 6th or 7th September , etc.)
C. Don't change facts , write statements of chief guest ( if needed ) in "direct speech." , write the report sequentially.
Report writing 
Content-02 marks
Accuracy of language - 01 mark
Appropriateness - 01 mark
Sample 👇
3. Framing Interview questions
Format : (Note : Table needs to be drawn.)
A. Interview with....
B. Introductory paragraph ( welcoming the guest )
C. 8 to 10 higher order ( WH type ) of questions
D. Ask relevant questions and in sequence from past to present.
E. Concluding paragraph ( thanking the guest )
Framing Interview questions - 04 marks
Bifurcation 👇
Appropriate framing of questions- 02 marks
Language and style - 01 mark
Overall impression - 01 mark

English Grammar Test(5)

Miscellaneous   Grammar ( Seen and Unseen mixed ) Note : Answer key is also provided towards the end of the worksheet. ( Kindly first solve ...