Wednesday, March 30, 2022

std. XI - Appreciation of the poems ( 2.1 , 2.2 , 2.3 , 2.4 and 2.5 )

Appreciation of the poems
1. Appreciation of the poem can be written paragraph wise/point wise. Just remember to include all 6 points whether you write it paragraph wise or point wise.

2. These are samples. You are requested to try writing your own answers.

2.1.Cherry Tree

1.About the poem,  poet , title : The poem “Cherry Tree” is written by Ruskin Bond  who has written hundreds of short stories , essays , novellas and more than 30 books for children. He , at the tender age of seventeen , even received the John Llewellyn Rhys Memorial Prize.He also received the Sahitya Akedemi Award for English writing in India and was awarded the Padmashri in 1999. The poem ‘Cherry Tree’ is all about poet’s ecstasy over a tree which he planted which took eight years to grow. The poet minutely observes the growth of the tree and wonders at the ways of Nature. The title of the poem is so apt as the moment we read it we realize the peom is about trees and their importance in our lives.

2. Theme/summary/gist : The theme of the poem revolves around the importance of trees in our lives and the lessons they teach us. The poem narrates how the poet planted a cherry seed in the grass as he wanted to have his own tree and how the plant grew on its own though nobody cared about it except rain and the sun. The poem further tells us how the little plant faced all problems head on and emerged as victorious by turning itself into a huge six feet tall tree laden with flowers and fruits. When poet returns back from Kashmir , he receives a pleasant surprise as he sees the tall tree and as he lies under it , he feels proud of the fact that he had planted the cherry seed.

3. Poetic Language/style , poetic devices used in the poem :  Ruskin Bond has used easy and lucid language throughout the poem and what makes it an interesting read is the fact that the poem is written in a story form and that makes it a narrative poem. The figures of speech like alliteration , personification add to the beauty of the poem and the rhyming words provide much needed rhythm. The poem also has run on lines ( where sentences end in second line ).

4.Special features/novelties/focusing elements : The very special feature of the poem is that it’s a narrative poem with a proper beginning,  middle and an end. The poet has stuck to the topic right from the beginning till the end. The poem also makes the readers aware about the fact that if small efforts are nurtured carefully , with determination , can bring us great rewards. This poem is also a fine example of "Nature Poem."

5.Message/values/morals in the poem : The very first message this poem gives is never let go of hope and keep striving hard without giving up as there is always light at the end of each tunnel. The poem also teaches us to have trust on our wings and never let any obstacle ever stop us from achieving what we wish to achieve. Apart from this , the most important message from the poem is to respect trees , plant as many of them as we can , to not cut them and that be patient with plants because once they grow , they give us back the sweetest fruit of all our hardwork.
6.Your opinion about the poem : Being a hard core nature lover , this poem has made a permanent place in my heart. It was interesting to read about how a sapling grows into a tree and also realize how important trees are and impossible it is to survive without them.

2.2. The Sower
1. About the poem , poet and title : The poem "The Sower" is written by Victor Hugo in French and is translated in English by Torulata Dutt - A bengali poet. Victor Hugo was a poet ,novelist and dramatist of 19th century and Toru Lata Dutt is considered to be "The First Indian Poetess" to write verses in English and French.This poem is a poem about a farmer who is sowing seeds. He has seen many bad harvests in his life however he is very optimistic of having good harvest everytime he tosses grain. The title of the poem is very apt and well suited to the poem as throughout the poem the poet is talking about the sower and his hardwork and perseverance.

2. Theme : The theme of the poem "The Sower" revolves around hard work, perseverance, consistency , dedication and hope. In the poem, the poet explains how the sower is different from other people. As soon as the darkness falls, all other people start back for home except the sower who is in field moving to and fro withoutcaring about the time. He has seeds in his hands and hope of reaping the fruit of his hard work. He is determined to finish his work for the day no matter what.

3. Poetic devices , language , style : The poet has beautifully used a simple rhyme scheme "abab" throughtout the poem and has also made an effective use of figures of speech like alliteration in line " Muse I , as I see him stride." , Imagery in line " Black and high ,his silhouette dominates the furrows deep!" , etc to make the poem a rich experience for all readers ! The language of the poem is very simple and lucid and hence it becomes an easy poem to understand.

Special feature/s : The poem is originally written in french but is translated in English without changing the feel and essence of the poem. That itself is a great feat ! Also , it is a short poem yet very effectively makes us - tbe readers realize the importance of a sower in our lives.

Values/Message : The clear message that we get from this poem is selflessness of the sower who is working really hard so he bears the fruit of his hard work and be able to feed not just his family but the world. The poem also teaches us how our hard work and perseverance with honesty wins people's heart and automatically gets rewarded.

Your opinion about the poem : In my opinion , this poem is a must read for all for it's simplicity and effective way of making us aware about the hard work a sower puts and the respect he deserves. 

2.3. There is another sky 
1. About the poem , poet and title :  The poem " There is Another Sky" is written by a renowned poet Emily Dickinson who lived a lonely life and whose poems are motivational and philosophical. Her poems are unique to her era that are characterized by simple and short lines. This poem gives us a message to never say die. The poet is communicating to her brother through a letter and requests him to return home. The poem ends on an optimistic note. The title of the poem is apt because just the way we know every cloud has a silver lining , there is another sky full of hope and positive vibes.
2. Theme : The theme of the poem is how life is full of challenges and one can tackle these challenges with positive attitude. The poet is trying to tell her brother how there is another place/opportunity which is as beautiful as heaven and he must stay positive.
3. Language and poetic devices : The language of the poem is very vivid and simple. Poetic devices like alliteration,  antithesis , inversion,  hyperbole are used to add beauty to the lines.
4. Special feature/s : It is a petrachan sonnet of 14 lines with an octave ( a stanza of 8 lines ) and a sestet ( another stanza of 6 lines ).
5.Message/value : The poem teaches us to stay positive through tough times as those times don't last forever. It also conveys the sense of happiness and comfort that one's home provides.
6. Your opinion : I absolutely loved this poem for it's simple yet powerful language. The poem taught me to never let go of hope and to always be near to the family as family plays an important role in helping us tackle the tough times fearlessly.

2.4. Upon the Westminster Bridge
1. About the poem , poet and title : The poem " Upon the Westminster Bridge" is written by the world famous poet William Wordsworth who was a major English Romantic poet and poet Laureate of United kingdom from 1843 untill his death in 1850. He is a leading English nature poet and this poem is one of the best examples of his romantic poems. The poem is a petrachan sonnet in which the poet describes the beauty of the bridge in London as seen at dawn. The poet was mighty impressed with the panoramic landscape,  beauty and calm nature before him. The title of the poem is very apt as throughout the poem the poet is seen praising the beautiful Westminster Bridge and the view he sees from there.
2. Theme : The theme of the poem revolves around the beauty of London through poet's eye as he happily and vividly describes the calm and quiet nature which enticed him.
3.Language and poetic devices : The language used by William wordsworth in this poem is simple yet loaded with beautiful words to attract the readers. Figures of speech like inversion , personification and alliteration are brilliantly used to provide a rhythm to the poem.
4. Special features : This poem is one of the best nature poems written in English literature. It's a petrarchan sonnet of 14 lines which has an octave ( first 8 lines ) and a sestet ( last 6 lines ).
5. Message/value/lesson : The message is how beautiful the city of London looks in it's natural setting without an interference of humans. 
6. Your opinion : It's a must read poem for all nature lovers as it beautifully paints a picture before readers' eyes.

2.5. Nose vs Eyes 
1. About the poem , poet and title : The poem " Nose vs Eyes" is written by William Cowper who was one of the most popular 18th century English poets and composers of hymns. His poems deal with nature and everyday life and he is aptly described as " Best Modern Poet" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This poem is a satire on the judiciary system and it mocks at the stone blind justice in humorous manner emphasising upon the lack of empathy and common sense.
2. Theme : The theme of the poem revolves around the fact that how blind and helpless the judiciary system has turned that it gives the verdict in favour of the wrong. The poem deals with argument between nose and eyes and how tongue very unfairly decides to prove the wrong nose right !!
3. Language and poetic devices : The language of the poem is super engaging with a lot of  humour infused. Th epoet has addrd charm to the poem by adding poetic devices like alliteration , repetition and inversion.
4. Special feature : The poem is a beautiful example of a satire which indirectly hits out at the blind judiciary system.
5. Message/Value : The message that this poem gives is how as humans we are going down the drain when it comes to our common sense and empathetic nature and how we can stop being blind and be sensible.
6. Your opinion : Overall , the poem is a delightful read. The humour used in the poem makes it a light read with a strong message to make proper use of their sensory organs.

2.6.The Planners

1.About the poem,  poet , title : The poem "The Planners" , penned by Body Kim Cheng is a sharp critique on how modernization brings along the destruction of heritage and history. Body , widely regarded as one of the most promising Singapore poets to emerge in 1990s , has four collections of poetry to his credit and is the recipient of "National Arts Council Young Artist Award" which he bagged in 1996. He begins the poem by stating what the planners do. The title of the poem is pretty apt because throughout the poem , the poet talks about the dominance of the planners and how they wil achieve what they aim for.

2. Theme :  Through this poem , Boey laments on the disturbing and loss of humane elements in his surrounding and expresses his disapproval on how his beloved city of Singapore is transforming from a lively and vibrant city to a dull and lifeless one. He expresses his concern over how his old city is rapidly turning into a concrete jungle and losing its beautiful past in this process. The poem revolves around the preservation of nature and history against the onslaught of urbanization.

3. Language and poetic devices : The language used by is quite simple yet full of sarcasm. By portraying history and heritage as flawed, useless and blemished , he is actually taking a dig at the planners. The poet has used many figures of speech like alliteration in line " Filled with permutations of possibilities" , antithesis in line " so history is new again" , oxymoron in line "....of our past's tomorrow." , etc. for better poetic effect.

4. Special feature : Boey has written this poem in free verse which quite aptls suits to the free expressiona of his feelings. Apart from this , literary devices like imagery and extended metaphor help in conveying his thoughts more clearly.

5. Message/Value : Boey conveys the message of preserving the history and heritage in this time and age of modernization and urbanization for a country/city without its past is like a cluster of lifeless structures.

6. Your opinion : In my poem , this poem , though very short and simple , touches the heart. It beautifully depicts the severe consequences of urbanization on the history and heritage of the country.

English Grammar Test(5)

Miscellaneous   Grammar ( Seen and Unseen mixed ) Note : Answer key is also provided towards the end of the worksheet. ( Kindly first solve ...