Tuesday, August 10, 2021

4.1. History of Novel

Note : These answers are put here to help you (1) understand the text and (2) how to answer the questions asked.
Always encouraging you to try writing answers on your own.

Brainstorming ( Answers )
1. Match the columns:
A. Murasaki Shikibu ( Tale of Genji)
B. Novella ( New)
C. Don Quixote ( Cervantes)
D. Rajmohan's Wife ( Bankimchandra Chattopadhyaya )

2. Pick out the off element from the group.
1. Graham Greene 
2. Theme
3. Novella 

3. Complete the following statements:
i. The two types of conflicts that the plot may have are Internal ( Inside the mind of the character) and external (with other characters or entities). 

ii. The word 'Picaresque' is originated from the spanish word "Picaro" which means a rogue.

iii. The epistolary novel presents the narrative through a series of correspondence or other documents.

iv. In the 18th century middle class could get the time for reading and discussing the novels because of the spread of machines.

4. Write short notes on :
i. Style of the Novel : The language and the techniques used by the author for the narration of the course of events is known as the style. An author can use extensive vocabulary or may be laconic and would write only to the point or he can mix both keeping in mind the requirements for meeting his purpose. He may use linguistic devices to make the narrative effective. All these factors decide the texture of the narration and create an impact on the readers.

ii. Stream of consciousness novel : Stream of consciousness is a phrase coined by William James in his treatise "Principles of Psychology" ( 1890). It means the flow of thoughts. In such kind of novel , incidents in the plot are in the sequence of their occurrences. The novelist narrate them as they enter the mind of the character. One of the examples of such type of novel is Ulysses by James Joyce.

iii. Novella : The word Novella is originated from the Italian word Novelle and is a type of prose fiction which is shorter than full length novel and longer than short stories. It is a well structured yet short narrative , often satiric or realistic in tone. It usually focuses on one incident or issue with one or two main characters and takes place at a single tradition. "The Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad and "Pearl" by John Steinbeck are two examples of Novellas.

iv. Indian tradition of novels : Indian authors have played a major role in the writing of english novels and have contributed greatly to English literature as a whole. 'Rajmohan's Wife', by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya was the first novel in English written by an Indian. The period after that is marked by a few more novels written by Indian writers. These novels bore either nationalistic virtues or social issues as their main framework. Mulkraj Anand, R.K. Narayan and Raja Rao were the major trio who prevailed in the period after that. Novelists like Anita Desai, Nayantara Sahgal, Arun Joshi and Manohar Malgaonkar changed the current of Indian English novel through their works. Amitav Ghosh, Vikram Seth and Upamanyu Chatterjee lifted up the Indian novel in English by adding new features to it. Recent years have witnessed the dazzling performance by Indian novelists like Salman Rushdie, Arvind Adiga, Arundhati Roy, Kiran Desai and Kiran Nagarkar. The tradition of the Indian English novel has undergone a vital change since its birth and has undoubtedly a very bright future.

English Grammar Test(5)

Miscellaneous   Grammar ( Seen and Unseen mixed ) Note : Answer key is also provided towards the end of the worksheet. ( Kindly first solve ...