Sunday, November 7, 2021

An Astrologer's Day ( Part II )

Note : These answers are put here to help you (1) understand the text and (2) how to answer the questions asked.
Always encouraging you to try writing answers on your own.

Viii) The astrologer wins /gets 10
Ans. Answer may vary.
As a reader I sympathise with the astrologer because when he tried to kill Guru Nayak , the astrologer was a silly youngster who was drunk and in a fit of rage he did whatever he did...yes its true that if we do something,  we should take responsibility of it and should be ready to face the consequences too which the astrolger didn’t do , which was wrong but still what is to be noted that after that incident,  he was always carrying the burden of the guilt of killing someone. Also , when he takes up astrology and tricks the stranger into believing that the man who tried to kill him is dead , he did it is to protect his own life as he had a wife and child to support too. Hence , I believe that the astrologer gets the sympathy of criticism of the reader.

Xi) If we have to eradicate 10
Ans. In order to eradicate superstitions and other ill practices from our society , I would first educate people by giving them accurate information and logical explanation as to why these practices need to be discontinued. I would spread awareness among people to have scientific attitude and with upmost love would try to convince them how wrong and harmful it is to blindly follow such practices and superstitions.

X) In the story,  the astrologer has a great 10
Ans. Absolutely correct. Listening does help in developing good relations with people. In the story , it's only because the astrologer is a good listener that he was able to gain knowledge about what was going in his clients' life and then gave them such answers that they all were left awestruck. If we also become a good listener,  we send out this message to the speaker that we are interested and keen in listening to whatever he or she has to say. That we also share the same ideas. It also helps to boost people’s confidence when they see someone Is listening to them and it also helps us understand if they have some problem and how we can offer help. Without being good listeners , it's impossible to find solutions.

A3.i. In the story , the following characters...
1. Words that describe the astrologer : Shrewd,  smart , clever , intuitive , cunning
2. Guru Nayak :
Manipulative,  agressive,  demanding,  quarrelsome , gullible 
3. Astrologer's wife : 
Caring , worried, humanistic

ii) Match the 10
Ans. Answers ONLY.
1. Auctioneer
2. Enchantment 
3. Knowledge 
4. Preparation 
5. Procedure 
6. Appearance 
7. Remarkable 

iii. "An Astrologer's Day" has ironic 10 and 11
Ans. Definition of Irony : Irony means a situation or a statement characterized by a significant difference between what is expected and what actually happens,  or between what is understood and what is meant.
Few common examples of Irony : 
1. Telling a rude customer to “have a nice day”
2. Walking into an empty theatre and exclaiming “it’s too crowded”
3. Describing someone who says foolish things as a “genius”
4. Delivering bad news by saying, “the good news is..”
5. Entering a child’s messy room and saying “nice place you have here”

Examples of Irony from the story " An Astrologer's Day" :
1. He knew no more of what was going to happen to others than he knew what was going to happen to himself the next minute.
2. His eyes sparkled with a sharp abnormal gleam which was really an outcome of a continual searching look for customers , but  which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt comforted.
3. Half the enchantment of the place was due to the fact that it did not have the benefit of municipal lighting.
4. He was as much stranger to the stars as were his innocent customers. Yet he said things which pleased and astonished everyone.

iv. In the story many Indian 11
Ans. Code Mixing : Mixing of two or more dil maange more , thanda thanda cool cool , etc.
Examples of code mixing from the story :
1. Cowrie Shells
2. Jutka drivers
3. Twelve and half annas
4. Raja's delicacy

V. There are some 11.
1. To crown the effect , he wound a saffron coloured turban around his head.
2. The works of Shakespeare are the crowning glory of English Drama.
3. Amitabh has given us awesome movies throughout five decades. But his crowning achievement is his performance in the movie ' Black'
4. In her pursuit of success , Radha has distanced herself from her family. Her fame has become a real crown of thorns.
5. They threw a wonderful party for me with costumes , games and to crown it all my favourite kind of ice cream.
6. Medical science has great inventions,  but organ transplantation is definitely a crowning achievement for human beings.

A4. Word 11 and 12.
Ans. Directly answers are given
1. There was considerable enhancement in the power of his eyes.
2. He had an analysis of mankind's troubles that worked.
3. He knew what would be happening to him next minute.
4. If you find satisfaction in my answers , will you give me five rupees ?
5. He shook his head in/with regret.
6. The crisscross of light rays bewildered everyone.
7. "I should have been dead if some passerby had not chanced to peep into the well," exclaimed the other enthusiastically.
8. Yountried killing him.
9. I will make/begin preparation for some nice stuff for her.
10. The other heard it and groaned./The other groaned when he heard it.

English Grammar Test(5)

Miscellaneous   Grammar ( Seen and Unseen mixed ) Note : Answer key is also provided towards the end of the worksheet. ( Kindly first solve ...